Courses in precision medicine
The IML offered two courses on precision medicine for General practitioners (GPs) and students in 2022. The course for students took place on 13.12.2022, the one for GPs on 15.12.2022. For both target groups, the focus of interest was to foster basic knowledge on genomic testing combined with communication skills. In an exchange and open questions with an expert in precision medicine at the end of the course, suggestions, feedback and needs specific to the target group were addressed.
Precision medicine, or personalised medicine, will play an increasingly important role in the future. In the courses, what was learned could immediately be practised and consolidated in practice with simulated persons.
The courses were well received and revealed that it is a great need for GPs to catch up in this area. Students also signal the importance of this subject with their yearly conference, which in 2023 will focus on PM entirely.
These courses were organised as a part of the research efforts in the Frontliners initiative, read more about project, and about the PhD Project.

«Trusting doctor:patient:patient relationship»
14 - 15.07.2022: How is the development of a trusting relationship taught in the different health professions? Which elements of this can be transferred to medical education and training? Read more
«Assessment And Professional Identity Development»
28 - 29.6.2022: There is a growing call to reframe medical education from "doing the work" towards "being a medical professional". Read more
Interactive workshop on Secondary Research
By the example of implementing a systematic scoping review to develop a taxonomy of teaching methods, on 10th November 2022, with a small team of international experts, we delivered an interactive workshop on Secondary Research. Read more
GMA conference
The GMA Annual Conference took place from 15-17 September 2022 at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. The motto of the annual conference was: «Form and Function - Digitisation for and in Teaching.»
Contributions with participation of the IML
Persons from the IML are marked in bold.
«SP-Methode – wo stehen wir? Stand zur aktuellen Lage bzgl. der heterogen gelebten Realität im deutschsprachigen Raum», Tanja Hitzblech (Opening lecture)
«Übergänge in der Facharztausbildung: Eine nationale Umfrage zur Vorbereitung der Assistenzärzte auf ihre klinische Arbeit in der Alterspsychiatrie»,
Seraina Petra Lerch, Severin Pinilla, Mathieu Nendaz, Stefan Klöppel, Sören Huwendiek
«Feedback-Gespräche in der ärztlichen Weiterbildung: Was benötigen SupervisorInnen, um Feedback zielgerichtet vermitteln zu können?»
Eva K. Hennel, Rafael Stoffel, Andrea C. Lörwald, Sören Huwendiek
«Über das Sterben sprechen: Zur Wirksamkeit eines Blended-Learning-Angebots für den deutschsprachigen Raum»
Felix Michael Schmitz, Sibylle Jeannine Felber, Ann-Lea Buzzi, Kai Philipp Schnabel, Steffen Eychmüller, Beate Brem, Zambrano Sofia, Sissel Guttormsen
«Die Exploration spiritueller Ressourcen in Patientengesprächen: Ergebnisse zum Nutzen eines webbasierten Lernmoduls»
Felix Michael Schmitz, Ann-Lea Buzzi, Kai Philipp Schnabel, Joana Berger, Fredy-Michel Roten, Simon Peng-Keller, Beate Brem, Sissel Guttormsen
«Best Evidence Guides» und «Standards of Best Practice» in der Arbeit mit Simulationspersonen – wozu soll das gut sein?
Beate Gabriele Brem, Tanja Hitzblech
«Sektion GMA Suisse Symposium: Entrustable Professional Activities: Stand in der Schweiz aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven»
Sören Huwendiek, Theresa Scherer
«Methode Simulationspersonen – Quo Vadis? Zwischen Standardisierung und Freiheit»
Tim Peters, Christian Thrien, Anja Zimmermann, Susanne Borgmann, Tanja Hitzblech