In 2022 we surfaced out of the pandemic and needed to set priorities on many tasks and routines that suffered during the exceptional circumstances the last years.

50th anniversary IML
The Institute for Medical Education (IML) celebrates its 50th anniversary in the academic year 2021/22. Join us on a journey through time over five decades.

Swiss Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine
More than 1200 prospective doctors from six faculties took the written part of the Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine electronically for the first time. The switch from paper to tablets went smoothly.

Highlights events 2022
Find out more about what activities and topics we focused on.

Building clinical competencies for tomorrow’s pharmacists
Two new courses co-designed and implemented by the IML, «patient-oriented pharmaceutical care» and «triage and clinical skills», prepare students in the best possible way for their future work in the pharmacy.

Compassion training for a better understanding of patients
For this project, an interprofessional team designed and delivered a seminar on reintroducing compassion into medical practice, aimed at medical students in their final Master's year at the University of Bern.

Digital Assessments and Evaluations with Examic Valuatic
10 years after the first fully digital OSCE exam with Examic EOSCE, the first version of its successor "Valuatic" was released in 2022. Valuatic is a software platform designed to provide even more comprehensive functions for a variety of assessment and evaluation types than EOSCE.

CST videos: a valuable resource for medical students
Learning medical examination techniques forms a central element of medical training alongside cognitive knowledge. Clinical Skills Training (CST) at the University of Bern has a long tradition dating back to group teaching in the 1970s.

Unreal@iml - Learners as technology scouts
Technologies are constantly changing. As part of their professional apprenticeship, learners in the field of mediamatics complete an individual practical assignment (IPA) and explore future-oriented technologies.

eLearning for the Swiss National Foundation
eLearning is an efficient way of reaching out to experts and supporting them in their evaluation tasks.

MSFtoGo - das intelligente Multisource Feedback Tool
Es soll eine App entwickelt werden, um die Durchführung von Multisource-Feedback zu vereinfachen.

CRASHPAED – Praxisnahes Lernen an interaktiven Fällen
CrashPaed ist eine Webapp, in welcher Fälle aus der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin schrittweise vom Symptom über die Diagnostik bis hin zur Therapie interaktiv aufgearbeitet werden.

Supervisors in Multisource feedback: What do they need to best support residents?
Dieses Projekt beschäftigt sich mit Feedback Gesprächen bei Multisource Feedback in der ärztlichen Weiterbildung.

Berner longitudinales Curriculum Virtuelle Patienten Notfallmedizin (BelViP)
Unterstützung der Studierenden zum Erlernen der selbständigen Behandlung von pädiatrischen und erwachsenen Notfallpatienten durch Einsatz von Virtuellen Patient:innen.

«Assess-med-BERT» ist ein Algorithmus zur automatisierten Erstellung von Distraktoren in deutschsprachigen Multiple Choice-Fragen für Online Self-Assessments, um das Lernen effizient zu unterstützen.

«BeFit» Project
Evaluation of the «BeFit» Project.

Wissensaneignung von Hausärzt:innen in der COVID-19 Pandemie
Die COVID-19 Pandemie hat viele Berufsgruppen vor Herausforderungen gestellt.

Communication is a key competence
Communication with cancer patients and their families about approaching death: schaffolding conceptual and practical learning for health professionals

Precision Medicine for FRONTLINERS
Is a multi-support learning platform on Precision Medicine for the daily practice of frontline care professionals.

„did-act“ on clinical decision-making, EU project
An adaptive curriculum for clinical reasoning for students and instructors is to be developed, implemented and disseminated in order to better prepare future doctors and to avoid mistakes.

Systematic approach to reviews, with a particular focus on Scoping Reviews
By the example of implementing a systematic scoping review to develop a taxonomy of teaching methods, on 10th November 2022, with a small team of international experts, we delivered an interactive workshop on Secondary Research.

eLearning und Beratung für die Ärztekammer Niedersachsen
Beratung, Evaluation und Einbindung von eLearning für die Ärztekammer Niedersachsen (D).

Increasing communication skills with the help of sample videos
For medical students, it can be very challenging to communicate with patients in a goal-oriented and efficient way on the one hand and to convey empathy and appreciation on the other hand (at the same time).

Rassismus in der Medizin: Perspektiven für die medizinische Ausbildung
Beitrag der GMA zur Sensibilisierung von Studierenden, Lehrenden und weiteren in der medizinischen Lehre tätigen Personen zum Thema rassistische Diskriminierung im Gesundheitswesen.

Self-Directed Learning (SDL) in Clinical Work-Life
How can specialists be supported in highly individualized learning processes with the help of modern tools?

Gender gap phenomenon
Gender differences in the career motivations of health professionals.

SNF (PhD project): From threat to challenge
Improving medical students’ stress response and communication skills performance through stress arousal reappraisal and preparatory worked example-based learning when breaking bad news to simulated patients

SNF (PhD project): Digital Learning and Teaching (DLT)
Implementing effective digital learning and teaching in higher education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. Aligning key players’ needs, bringing distant communication close and supporting students’ individual learning.

PhD project: Online and blended learning in Precision Medicine
Improving our understanding of teaching and learning methods acceptable and applicable for frontline healthcare professionals.

PhD project: Post-graduate medical education programs
What makes post-graduate medical education programs (CME) at the University-level attractive?

PhD project: Entrustable Professional Activities in Old Age Psychiatry
Improving residency training with Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA’s) in Old Age Psychiatry.

PhD project: Peer teaching ultrasound
«Understanding and Facilitating Near-Peer-Teaching in Ultrasound Education.»

PhD project: Continuing Professional Development conferences
"Improving the outcome of conferences on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for healthcare professionals."

DocCom.Deutsch: Web-based learning modules
DocCom.Deutsch is a series of media-supported online modules for basic, intermediate and advanced training in communication in the healthcare sector. Doctors and specialists from Switzerland, Germany and Austria are involved.

Examic Valuatic
A new system for oral and clinical examinations.

Examic EOSCE
EOSCE is a simple and efficient system to enable practical medical examinations (especially OSCEs) to be carried out without resorting to paper forms.

Examic Measured
Examic Measured is an innovative online platform designed to help educational institutions and organizations create and administer exams and assessments with ease.

Numerous online learning programs like MorphoMed, RadioSurf or CliniSurf, which were developed at the Department for Education and Media AUM at the IML in conjunction with specialist representatives from the Faculty of Medicine, need to be updated.

E-Learning-Module «Scientific Literature Searching»
Entwicklung eines E-Learning-Moduls in «Scientific Literature Searching» (Bibliothek Medizin Bern).

New e-health App
Supporting UX Design of a New e-Health App.