Media and Learning Support

The AUM offers various services in the area of graphics and media, typically:

  • Production of videos and films in the department’s own video studio: e.g. various learning videos, training videos for exams under high safety standards.
  • Production of podcasts for teaching courses of the Medical Faculty in Bern and for various other courses: organize recordings; infrastructure and distribution.
  • Supporting the Audience-Response System for the Medical Faculty.
  • Creation of logos and graphics for brochures, print or web.
  • Creation of models with modern 3D printers from different materials for use in clinical teaching and in practical exams.
  • Production of moulage and transfer tattoos for the realistic depiction of pathological findings on standardized/simulated patients for use in teaching and exams (in collaboration with subject experts).
  • Digitalization of slides, films, and graphical templates for use in medical education and in exams.

Infrastructure for Teaching, Assessment

  • Running of the student learning center in Murtenstrasse and the learning center in Bühlstrasse (together with the MME).
  • Running of the Bern Interdisciplinary Skills and Standardized/Simulated Patients Center BiSS.
  • Managing and maintaining diverse simulators for practicing various clinical skills (e.g. models for breast examination, vaginal examination, prostate palpation, subcutaneous injection, venous puncture etc.). The models are mainly located in the BiSS.
  • Poster printing service for the Medical Faculty in the grounds of the Inselspital. Orders can be placed online at
  • Logistical planning of OSCE exams, provision of materials, implementation of exams.

Standardized Patients (SPs) for Teaching and Exams

  • Recruitment, training and quality management of standardized patients (SPs) for use in teaching and assessment.
  • Training SPs for pre-defined roles in student teaching and for exams.
  • Training of SPs to fulfill various specialised tasks and roles, e.g. giving feedback.


  • Development and maintenance of interactive learning programs in collaboration with medical experts for undergraduate and postgraduate education, and the IML Department ASCII.
  • Reproducing and distributing medical learning programs and videos.
  • Developing web-based learning environments together with the ASCII.


The AUM is involved in the training of medical students through

  • Specialized, teaching, and elective internships, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the Bachelor and Master’s degree at the medical faculty in Bern.
  • Support PBL tutor training.
  • Teaching involvement in the Bern MME program (“Blended Learning” and “Assessment”). 


  • Supervise medical Master’s theses and dissertations in the area of learning media together with specialists from various clinical and theoretical departments.
  • Supervise Master’s theses in pre- und postgraduate study courses outside of the faculty (e.g. Master of Medical Education).
  • Research on the effect of teaching with the use of modern media and standardized/simulated patients.

PD Dr. med. et MME Kai Schnabel Head of AUM Department

+41 31 684 62 59
kai.schnabel (at)