To enable continued use of these very popular learning programs in the future, a transition from both a technological and creative perspective is essential.
Our online learning programs need to comply with the latest standards and need to be seamlessly usable with the whole range of modern devices. New features like a comprehensive search function or deep linking improve the user experience.
Through the development of an author system for learning content also the creation of complex didactic scenarios is supported.
The following learning modules were realized with MedSurf:
- MorphoMed for Anatomy, Histology and Pathology
- RadioSurf for radiology of the chest, the skeleton and the head
- ChiroSurf for surgery
- DentoSurf for dental medicine
More learning modules are in preparation. A list of all our online learning programs can be found here.
Ordering customer
Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern
PD Dr. med. Gudrun Herrmann
Dr. med. Ulrich Woermann, MME
Dr. med. Nick Lüthi, MME
Andrea Gottsponer
Thomas Guthruf
Simon Habegger
Daniela Schmid