50th anniversary IML
The Institute for Medical Education (IML) celebrates its 50th anniversary in the academic year 2021/22. Join us on a journey through time over five decades.

In 2022 we surfaced out of the pandemic and needed to set priorities on many tasks and routines that suffered during the exceptional circumstances the last years.

Swiss Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine
More than 1200 prospective doctors from six faculties took the written part of the Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine electronically for the first time. The switch from paper to tablets went smoothly.

Highlights events 2022
Find out more about what activities and topics we focused on.

Building clinical competencies for tomorrow’s pharmacists
Two new courses co-designed and implemented by the IML, «patient-oriented pharmaceutical care» and «triage and clinical skills», prepare students in the best possible way for their future work in the pharmacy.

Compassion training for a better understanding of patients
For this project, an interprofessional team designed and delivered a seminar on reintroducing compassion into medical practice, aimed at medical students in their final Master's year at the University of Bern.

CST videos: a valuable resource for medical students
Learning medical examination techniques forms a central element of medical training alongside cognitive knowledge. Clinical Skills Training (CST) at the University of Bern has a long tradition dating back to group teaching in the 1970s.

Digital Assessments and Evaluations with Examic Valuatic
10 years after the first fully digital OSCE exam with Examic EOSCE, the first version of its successor "Valuatic" was released in 2022. Valuatic is a software platform designed to provide even more comprehensive functions for a variety of assessment and evaluation types than EOSCE.

Unreal@iml - Learners as technology scouts
Technologies are constantly changing. As part of their professional apprenticeship, learners in the field of mediamatics complete an individual practical assignment (IPA) and explore future-oriented technologies.